Contractor pre-qualification
Contractor pre-qualification is a process that evaluates your business’ ability to proactively manage its health and safety risks while operating on port.
Napier Port works with a preferred provider, SiteWise, but if your business already has contractor pre-qualification through IMPAC or SHE, this will also be accepted. However, you’ll need to make sure your score is at the right level for the type of work you’re undertaking at Napier Port. This will be determined by the level of risk involved with your work. You’ll also need to make sure your business has insurance at the appropriate level for this activity. See our Contractor Guide.
If you don’t currently have contractor pre-qualification, don’t worry. Our delivery partner SiteWise runs a well-established contractor pre-qualification system, and will support you as you complete pre-qualification. You’ll answer a 12 step questionnaire, and upload supporting health and safety documentation to their online system. SiteWise then grades your health and safety capability, and publishes the score on their online contractor database. If you reach the required score, Napier Port will add you to our approved contractor register. Please note that there is a small cost associated with contractor pre-qualification, and you can find these details here.
The SiteWise video below talks you through this process, and what you need to do.