Important Update: Incoming cyclone will affect shipping and port operations
Kia ora,
Over the next few days, the North Island will bear the brunt of ex Tropical Cyclone Gabrielle, with severe weather conditions including heavy swell, high wind and rain expected across Hawke’s Bay from later today.
Shipping and Vessel Operations
All vessels have now vacated our berths at Napier Port ahead of the heavy swell and high winds coming through. Based on current forecasts, we are unable to work ships as usual until Wednesday morning (15 February) at the earliest. Our marine team will continue to closely monitor forecasts over the next 48 hours and provide further updates.
You can stay up to date with any disruptions to shipping services via the shipping schedule on our website.
Container Terminal Operations
Napier Port is currently open for R&D, however, as per our usual processes this may change as weather conditions develop and we will notify you should we need to cease R&D operations.
Notifications for any Container Terminal updates and closures, including R&D, Western Gate and Thames Street Depots, will be provided to transport operators via the Propel VBS system.
Eastern Gate to close at 1700 tonight
Very heavy swell is forecast to reach Napier Port later today and this evening. This may present serious risk to operations along the roadway leading to the main log yard.
The Eastern Gate will be closed from 1700 today (Monday 13 February). Napier Port will re-assess the situation at 0800 tomorrow morning (Tuesday 14 February) and provide a further update at this time.
Thank you for your understanding and stay safe.
Ngā mihi,
David Kriel
GM Commercial
Sustainability aligned with global goals:
At the United Nations summit meeting in September 2015, world leaders adopted 17 global goals (and 169 targets) as a set of universal goals that aim to address the urgent environmental, political and economic challenges facing our world. These are known as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
More information on the SDGs and how Napier Port’s Sustainability Strategy aligns to these can be found here >>
Good Health And Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Change
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
Partnerships for The Goals