Napier Port Operations Status Update: Tuesday 21 February
Kia ora,
Napier Port is back to full operations today with refrigerated containers now flowing through our gate and more vessels arriving back into port. The best thing we can do is to keep essential supplies and imports coming into the region, and to help our exporters get their cargo to market.
R&D in the Container Terminal
Our full R&D services and hours of operations are below:
Export Refrigerated Container Acceptance: Open 0700 – 1730, Monday to Friday
(As per standard processes, subject to shipping line pre-acceptance)
Import Full Container Pick-up: Open 0700 – 1730, Monday to Friday
Export Dries Acceptance: Open 0700 – 1730, Monday to Friday
Please note: Late gate process is available until 2000, Monday to Friday (This is not applicable for Thames Street Depots 1 and 2).
Empty Container Returns at Thames Street 2: Open 0700 – 1730, Monday to Friday
Empty Container Pick-up at Thames Street 1: Open 0700 – 1730, Monday to Friday
Extended Export Delivery and Empty Pick up Hours from next week
We are conscious that there are delays on roads due to closures and damage and this is impacting commuters and transport operators alike. In order to assist and help to ease potential congestion and safety concerns we will be extending acceptance on export deliveries to the port until 2300. This process will start from next Monday 27 February with full details to follow over the coming days. Note, we will be opening Thames Street Depot 1 until 2300 for empty container pick-ups from next Monday as well.
Shipping Operations Update
We have now completed a multi-beam survey of the shipping channel and berths, with interim depths available on the Marine Fact Sheet on our website here. All vessels remain subject to DUKC (Dynamic Under-Keel Clearance) as usual.
Due to ongoing storm debris in the port area, we are still maintaining vessel arrivals and departures to daylight hours only. We expect to lift this restriction and commence 24/7 vessel arrivals and departures as soon as safely possible.
Vessel operations for Napier Port’s container terminal will remain 24/7.
Eastern Gate and Bulk Cargo Operations
The Eastern Gate is open and bulk cargo landside operations are 24/7.
Marshalling companies are back on port in force today and making safety assessments in preparation to receive log Cart In from tomorrow.
Supply Chain Update
Despite the damage to regional rail transport infrastructure, Napier Port’s supply chain services are operational and connected.
Please do reach out to our logistics team for any assistance if needed to arrange cargo reaching the port.
Napier Port’s logistics team
Please contact us to help to organise transport to your site:
Our team – Matt Gittings: 027 263 1902 or Nicolas Ganivet: 027 213 7278.
Further Updates
Now that we’re back to full operations, we will no longer be issuing daily status updates. Further updates will only be provided as relevant information comes to hand.
Thank you for your understanding and stay safe.
Ngā mihi,
David Kriel
GM Commercial
Sustainability aligned with global goals:
At the United Nations summit meeting in September 2015, world leaders adopted 17 global goals (and 169 targets) as a set of universal goals that aim to address the urgent environmental, political and economic challenges facing our world. These are known as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
More information on the SDGs and how Napier Port’s Sustainability Strategy aligns to these can be found here >>
Good Health And Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Change
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
Partnerships for The Goals