As 2020 ramps up, so do Napier Port’s plans to build 6 Wharf; a vital piece of infrastructure that will help to support growth for our customers and region.
Since signing the contract with HEB Construction we’ve been hard at work establishing the construction site, procuring materials and developing comprehensive best-practice management plans to protect the environment and community interests during the project. We are on track to ‘break ground’ and start building the wharf on Wednesday 5 February 2020.
High-level project timetable outlined on our dedicated 6 Wharf website
With construction starting early February, we plan to complete the wharf and have it receive its first ship in late 2022 (assuming no significant weather delays or other unforeseen circumstances). You can read more about our construction and dredging programme on our 6 Wharf website.
Building sustainably and in partnership
Our work will be guided by in-depth management plans to protect community, cultural, environmental and recreational values. These plans include a/an:
- Marine Cultural Health Programme developed in partnership with mana whenua to protect the cultural health of the marine environment, in particular Pania Reef.
- Noise Management Plan and a Traffic Management Plan to minimise construction noise and traffic for nearby residents and the local community.
- Avian Management Plan, involving an on-port penguin sanctuary, to protect the korora/little blue penguin that live on-port and a Marine Wildlife Management Plan.
- Dredging and Disposal Management Plan, Water Quality Management Plan and a Biosecurity Management Plan that we’ve been working on with a Fisheries Liaison Group to protect water quality, marine life, fisheries and biosecurity. Throughout dredging we’ll also be monitoring the water quality (turbidity) in real time via our environmental dashboard.
Keeping the community informed
Napier Port is committed to keeping people informed over the next few years as we build 6 Wharf. Visit for more information, read our FAQs or drop our team a line at We welcome your feedback and look forward to delivering this critical asset for our region, customers and Napier Port in 2022.