Emergency Preparedness And Response

Emergency Preparedness and Response

The information provided on this page includes the Port’s response plans and outlines important guidance and basic procedures for preparing and responding to emergencies, as well as where to go for further information.

 Napier Port Emergency Response Plan

The purpose of the Napier Port emergency response plan is to, in the event of an emergency within the limits of the Ports’ geographical areas of responsibility, specify means for raising the alarm, summoning assistance and establishing the role of organisations involved in order to co-ordinate the activities necessary in safeguarding life, property and the environment, as well as to ensure that everyone is aware of the procedures to be adopted in the event of an emergency.

Please contact the Health & Safety Team (email: healthandsafety@napierport.co.nz or phone: +64 6 833 4317) for a copy of the Napier Port Emergency Response Plan.

Tier 1 Marine Oil Spill Response Plan

This plan is provided to assist Napier Port and other port user companies in dealing with an accidental discharge of oil on land or marine resources surrounding the port. Its primary purpose is to set in motion the necessary actions to stop or minimise the discharge and to mitigate its effects.

Please contact the Health & Safety Team (email: healthandsafety@napierport.co.nz or phone: +64 6 833 4317) for a copy of the Tier 1 Marine Oil Spill Response Plan.

Reporting Emergencies

In the event of an emergency such as illness/injury requiring first aid or medical assistance or a dangerous situation arising  please follow the following process.

The first step is to call “111” immediately, and then dial up the Port Security Unit on +64 6 833 4440 or on UHF Channel 15.

You will need to provide the following information:

  • Name and location of the work area within the port
  • Number of injured persons and the nature of injury/incident
  • The type and scale of an emergency including a brief description
  • Hazards involved (e.g. substances)
  • Your name and mobile phone contact number for any return calls

The Port Security Unit and emergency responders will be sent to your location immediately.

Port Emergency Contacts

Ambulance, Fire and Police
Phone: 111

Port Security Unit gatehouse (24/7)
Phone: +64 6 833 4440
Port UHF Channel: 15

Napier Harbour Control
Phone: +64 6 833 4440
Marine VHF channel: 12 and 16

Duty Safety Advisor (24/7)
Phone: +64 6 833 4317

Harbourmaster (24/7)
Phone: +64 27 445 5592

Automated External Defibrillators

Napier Port has a number Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) located in easily accessible locations across the port for staff, mariners, port users and the public in the event of an emergency.

The AED locations are as follows:

  • Port Administration Building (PCB) Ground Floor – wall mounted next to the entrance of operations
  • Warehouse Shed 4 – wall mounted inside the office
  • Thames Street I Depot – wall mounted inside the office
  • Thames Street II Depot – wall mounted inside the Portacom
  • Security Vehicle (MT51) – inside rear of van
  • Emergency Response vehicle (MT01) – inside rear of van
  • Emergency Response vehicle (MV02) – inside rear of van

Further information about the AEDs on Port can be found here.

Emergency First Aid Stations

Napier Port has installed Emergency Fist Aid Stations in strategic locations around the port to enable emergency wardens and those first on the scene to provide immediate treatment or care to a person suffering from an injury or illness until more advanced care is provided, or the person recovers.  

The Emergency First Aid Stations contain a 25-person first aid kit, industrial burns kit, band-aid dispenser, surgical mask dispenser, dual eye wash kit and nitrile gloves (small – 3XL), emergency procedures flipchart and an evacuation map.

The Emergency First Aid Stations locations are as follows:

    • Mooring Loft
    • 2 Wharf Office
    • Western Gatehouse
    • Port Central Building – Level 1
    • Port Central Building – Level 2
    • Infrastructure workshop
    • Fleet Management workshop
    • Quarantine & Environmental workshop
    • Thames I Depot workshop
    • Thames I Depot
    • Thames II Depot
    • Log Debarker Office
    • Crane Operators Office

Note : The harbour tugs and Pania pilot boat have a modified First Aid system








CPR Information

The rule of thumb for CPR is ’30-to-2, no matter who’. Rescuers should attempt two breaths after each cycle of 30 compressions. For each compression, the chest should be compressed by at least one-third the diameter of the person receiving CPR.

Additionally, for general emergency preparedness information you can view Napier Port’s Emergency Procedures Flip Chart here.

Port Emergency Warning System

The Napier Port Emergency Warning System (PEWS) is intended to alert people at the Port to local hazards and provide incident-specific emergency instructions. 

The PEWS alerts can be targeted to areas affected by serious hazards and will only be activated when there is a serious threat to life, health, or property, and on a weekly basis for testing purposes.

We regularly test the Port Emergency Warning System (PEWS) to ensure system readiness and enhance both port user and community awareness of the system in the event of an emergency. During each test, an audible emergency tone is activated and accompanied by a voice announcement, for example ‘For exercise only’.

The following tones are available through the Port Emergency Warning System and can be tested by clicking on the samples below:

Note: Please make sure your volume controls are low before testing these tones.

Test Tone –  means the system is being tested and no action is required.

Advisory Tone – means there is no immediate danger and more information is to follow.

Watch Act Tone – means an emergency is developing nearby,and ports users need to follow emergency information and instructions. 

Warning Tone – means an emergency has occurred and port users need to follow instructions and evacuate the Port up onto Bluff Hill Lookout.

All Clearmeans the main threat has passed and it’s safe to return to the Port and designated workplaces.

Port Emergency Warning System Testing Schedule

Our teams need to know how to keep themselves and others on-port safe when there is a serious threat to life, health, or property. As a lifeline utility, it’s also vital that we are able to function as fully as possible during and after an emergency for our customers and our region.

As you may be aware, we practice our Port Emergency Warning System every Tuesday at midday. If you hear the Test Tone (Westminster Chimes) at this time – and the words ‘For Exercise Only’, please be assured we are just testing the system to ensure our emergency preparedness.

Test Schedule Emergency Tone being Tested Time
Every Tuesday, Ongoing Test Tone (Westminster Chimes) 1200 hours


In the event of a real emergency, the Napier Port Emergency Warning System will broadcast the additional warning tones (as listed above) with a voice announcement identifying the specific incident and what action should be taken. These warnings will be repeated as appropriate.

Case Study: Evacuation Exercise – Tuesday, September 8, 2020

On Tuesday 8 September, Napier Port plans held a successful port-wide evacuation exercise to practice its earthquake preparedness and tsunami response.

The purpose of the exercise was to practice the response of Napier Port, its people, its tenants and other port users to evacuate the port in real-time following a simulated offshore earthquake and tsunami.

During the exercise we activated the port’s emergency warning system,. You can listen to the emergency tones in the above Port Emergency Warning System section.

Thank you

We worked with local authorities including Napier City Council, NZTA, NZ Police, HB Civil Defence Emergency Management Group, Hawke’s Bay DHB, Red Cross and the Salvation Army to plan and ensure we managed the exercise safely.

Watch a video of the evacuation exercise below: