Environmental Dashboard

Environmental monitoring programme

Our environmental monitoring dashboard below provides live information on water quality at Pania Reef every 15 minutes.

The second dashboard provides live weather data updated every minute from the weather station at the port.

Water Quality at Pania Reef

Weather data

Adaptive dredge management

Before applying for resource consents, we installed monitoring buoys in the harbour to understand the natural variations in water quality (turbidity), wave, current and wind processes at work in Hawke Bay. This long-term data has allowed us to develop trigger levels for turbidity rates.

Adaptive dredge management (ADM) will be used throughout the operational phases of the project to ensure that water quality – in particular turbidity related to the dredging and disposal – do not exceed that modelled and meet the environmental effects predicted.

We will be alerted immediately if turbidity levels at Pania Reef are above tiered trigger levels to allow management measures to be implemented as soon as practicable. These measures include but are not limited to:

  • Reducing the rate of dredging and disposal
  • If practical, relocating the dredge to a different area with more coarse material
  • Disposing of dredged in an alternative part of the offshore disposal area
  • Ceasing dredging operations.