Working with expert listeners
We tasked acoustic experts Marshall Day to investigate the potential for noise impacts from the wharf development.
We’ve been working with Marshall Day for many years, so they’re well-acquainted with our environment and noise patterns.
They assessed noise against the New Zealand Port Noise Standard. Their report took construction noise into consideration, as well as likely changes to noise patterns as a result of the new wharf’s location. Our noise mitigation initiatives were also included in the assessment.
The report found that there will be a minor increase in noise, predominantly as a result of growth.
In summary:
- The future (2026) noise contours are predicted to be generally the same shape as the 2016 noise contours but two decibels louder
- Napier Port’s future operations are predicted to remain within Napier District Plan noise rules 28.15.1 part (a)
Marshall Day found the greatest construction noise would be associated with driving in wharf piles. The predicted noise levels will meet with the daytime construction noise limits at the closest residential receivers. Noise from other activities associated with the construction works such as excavators, crane operations, and truck and vessel movements would be at the lower level, and would be generally similar to the level of noise from existing port operations. You can read their full report here.
We’ll be managing construction noise through hours of work, a best practice construction noise management plan and number of noise mitigation strategies which may include:
- Using vibro methods where practicable (as opposed to hammer) to reduce impact piling
- Adjust the time of day and the duration of the activities to fit within 0730-1800
- Fitting of silencers on the rig engine
- Fitting engine covers
- Regularly inspect and maintain equipment to ensure it is well oiled and lubricated.
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