Marine Cultural Health Programme
Working with mana whenua hapū to protect Pania
A rōpū of representatives from different marae, hapū and mana whenua entities within the development area are working with us to develop a Marine Cultural Health Programme.
The purpose of the programme is to protect, monitor and assess the cultural health of the marine environment, in particular Pania Reef, during the planned 6 Wharf project.
Collectively we’re developing a cultural monitoring framework, which we’ll use with with our environmental dashboard, to ensure our planned dredging operations are not adversely affecting Te Matau a Māui during the project.
Click here to visit the Marine Cultural Health Programme website.
Back row, left to right: Te Kaha Hawaikirangi (Pou Tikanga, Napier Port), Peter Eden (Moteo Marae), Morry Black (Mauri Protection Agency), Tipene Cottrell (Wharerangi Marae), Moana Hakiwai (Timikara Marae), Jenny Mauger (Te Matau a Māui Tangata Kaitiaki Collective), Laurie O’Reilly (Waiohiki Marae), Aki Paipper (Kohupatiki Marae), Grant Russell (Principal Environmental Consultant, Stantec), Paul Rose (Environmental Advisor, Napier Port ), and Hayley Lawrence (Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust).
Front row, left to right: Chad Tareha (Ngāti Pārau Hapū Trust), Mary Martin (Petane Marae), Marewa Reti King (Tangoio Marae) and Margie McGuire (Kohupatiki Marae).
Ngā tāwhai (steps) to creating the Marine Cultural Health Programme
In 2016, Napier Port approached Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated to discuss our plans for the 6 Wharf project. This included a hui with wider hapū to discuss the project and environmental impacts and a decision to undertake a Cultural Impact Assessment for the project.
The Cultural Impact Assessment (CIA) was completed by Laurie O’Reilly of Ngāti Pārau. Ngāti Pārau have the strongest whakapapa links to Pania (of the Reef) and her son Moremore, and are the mana whenua hapū for the Napier City rohe.
The CIA has guided our approach to date, documenting and giving us insight into the cultural significance of the area. It has been integral to the project as we know it today for the following reasons:
- It helped us to identify the potential impacts the project may have on the mauri and natural resources of the rohe – in particular on Pania Reef, as the embodiment of the sea maiden Pania.
- We have a greater understanding of the reef’s importance for the gathering of kaimoana as a designated mahinga mātaitai for customary fishing that is used for kina, koura and kūta.
- We understand how important it is from a cultural perspective that we protect other taonga such as the kororā (little blue penguin) during construction and dredging.
- It paved the way for the high-level engagement that has followed.
- Through the CIA, hapū indicated they wished to become involved in any quality assurance programme and kept informed during the project. This led us to establish the Marine Cultural Health Programme with mana whenua hapū.
- The CIA also supported our shift to the new disposal site. A major concern for mana whenua hapū was the impact that the dredging and disposal may have on the mauri and wellbeing of Pania Reef. These concerns led us to undertake further scientific modelling and change the disposal site for the project to one that greatly reduces the chance that dredged material will drift onto Pania Reef after being deposited in the disposal area. Evidence shows that the disposal site we are now using will have minimal effects on Pania Reef due to its depth, meaning sediment is less likely to be disturbed by adverse weather and the prevailing south-directed current, which will take material away from the reef.
You can read the CIA in full here and find out more about dredging and disposal here.
When we knew the project was the best it could be for our economy, the environment and the community, we lodged our resource consent applications with the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council in December 2017. Following significant consultation and as part of our application, we recommended that Napier Port undertake cultural monitoring and information sharing with mana whenua hapū as part of our consent conditions for 6 Wharf.
Formal consultation commenced with the public notification of our resource consent applications.
Napier Port’s resource consent applications to build an additional wharf on our container terminal and carry out further dredging were approved, and the below six resource consents granted. The consents include 113 environmental conditions, nine management plans and the establishment of a Marine Cultural Health Programme.
- CL180008C: To construct, use, operate and maintain a new wharf (6 Wharf) and undertake associated works and ancillary activities.
- CL180009E: To undertake Stage 1 capital dredging beneath the proposed new wharf, in the inner port area, swinging basin and part of the deep water channel.
- CL180010E: To undertake Stages 2 to 5 capital dredging within the inner port area, swinging basin, in and near the existing three channels and to form a new channel.
- CL180011E: To undertake maintenance dredging within the areas for which capital dredging permits are sought (Stages 1 to 5).
- CL180012W: To dispose of dredged material from capital and maintenance dredging within an offshore area shown in the application.
- CL180013O: To occupy the common marine and coastal area shown in the plan attached to the application to manage and operate Port activities.The 6 Wharf Project consents expire in 2053. You can read the resource consent application and decision in our library.
Napier Port appoints Te Kaha Hawaikirangi as Pou Tikanga and Environmental Advisor. Te Kaha is helping to establish the Marine Cultural Health Programme and support Napier Port’s wider cultural journey as well as being one of two environmental advisors.
A rōpū (komiti) of representatives from different marae, hapū and mana whenua entities within the development area are working with Napier Port to develop a Marine Cultural Health Programme. The komiti met for the first time in April to develop terms of reference for the group and appoint experts to assist with writing the plan.
They will meet around monthly until the end of the year. Wananga with hapū, marae and mana whenua entities will also be held to develop the Marine Cultural Health Programme.
The komiti have finalised a Marine Cultural Health Programme Development Plan, which has been certified by the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.
The komiti called a hui a hapū with whānau, hapū, marae and various entities to present the draft Marine Cultural Health Programme and provide input into the programme.
The Marine Cultural Health Programme will be implemented when the plan is finalised and construction for 6 Wharf commences in early 2020.
Principles of working in partnership
Napier Port is committed to working with hapū in line with tikanga Māori, the conditions of consent and the process to date. We will:
- Work collaboratively
- Act in good faith
- Share best practice, mātauranga Māori me ona tikanga, scientific and cultural information and indicators
- Share relevant information with representatives of mana whenua hapū involved in cultural health monitoring
Got a question or suggestion?
We’re committed to keeping hapū informed throughout the project. If you have any questions, feedback or concerns about the project please get in touch.
You can also speak with a member of the Mana Whenua Steering Komiti, pictured above.