Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC) has voted to consult with the Hawke’s Bay community later this year on options to fund the development of Napier Port.
As the owner of Napier Port, HBRC is committed to ensuring Napier Port continues to enable Hawke’s Bay’s economic growth. It’s also committed to ensuring the port remains in community control.
Yesterday, HBRC agreed to consult the local community later this year on a number of options that will allow Napier Port to grow. This is the logical progression of HBRC’s Capital Structure Review process.
Napier Port is a key strategic asset that is indirectly associated with approximately 27,000 jobs. Over the next decade, cargo volumes through Napier Port are forecast to increase by 50 per cent and vessels visiting the port will continue to grow in volume and size. The port is already congested, meaning vessels are having to move from berths to enable other vessels to move in and out, and some vessels are being turned away due to lack of space.
Yesterday, HBRC committed to a well-resourced and in-depth conversation with the people of Hawke’s Bay on this critical issue facing the region’s future. HBRC is dedicated to consulting as openly and transparently as possible, in the interests of delivering the best option for Napier Port, the region and the people of Hawke’s Bay.
For further information about the HBRC Capital Structure Review process, please visit their dedicated website page here.