New Tariff Rates Reminder
Please be reminded that Napier Port’s annual tariff review, and new rate structure, comes into effect on Thursday 1 October, as advised in a previous communication on August 20.
You can view and download the updated tariff schedule here.
Please note, there have been some minor amendments since our previous communication – namely tariff rates for oil tanker services have been added to the schedule and quarantine and environment services processes have been reviewed, resulting in some changes to the fee schedule for these services. The above link for the tariff schedule reflects these amendments and will be added to our website here on 1 October.
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact our Commercial team via email: or directly:
David Kriel – General Manager Commercial 027 241 8295
Andrew Palairet – Business Development Manager 021 859 663
Dominic Sutherland – Business Development Manager 021 026 82324
We appreciate your support, and look forward to continuing to deliver for your business.
Kind regards,
David Kriel
Sustainability aligned with global goals:
At the United Nations summit meeting in September 2015, world leaders adopted 17 global goals (and 169 targets) as a set of universal goals that aim to address the urgent environmental, political and economic challenges facing our world. These are known as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
More information on the SDGs and how Napier Port’s Sustainability Strategy aligns to these can be found here >>
Good Health And Well-being
Quality Education
Gender Equality
Clean Water and Sanitation
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
Sustainable Cities and Communities
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Change
Life Below Water
Life on Land
Peace Justice and Strong Institutions
Partnerships for The Goals